Anduril Flame of the West Sword That Was Broken and Is Forged Again
Andúril, likewise known equally the Flame of the West, is a sword that appears in J.R.R. Tolkien'due south Lord Of The Rings books and the subsequent flick adaptations of those books. Yet, the depiction of Andúril in the films differs from its delineation in the books. Andúril is beginning seen every bit the sword reforged from the shards of Narsil, King Elendil's sword.
Andúril was originally the sword Narsil, forged by the dwarven master smith Telchar of Nogrod. It was King Elendil who wielded Narsil [i] during the War of The Terminal Alliance. Narsil broke into two pieces when Elendil and Gil-galad teamed up to battle Sauron. After his defeat, Elendil'due south son Isildur picks upwardly his father's sword during the climactic battle of the state of war and uses information technology to cut off the One Ring from Sauron's hand. Subsequently Isildur's death, his squire, Ohtar, took the shards to Arbor and gave them to Isildur'south son Valandil. The shards of Narsil became heirlooms passed down to the heirs to the throne of Arnor. Narsil was reforged into a new sword by the Smithies of Rivendell after the Council of Elrond. [2] Aragorn named this sword, Andúril, the Flame of the Westward. In Lothlórien, Aragorn was given a sheath for Andúril by Galadriel and Celeborn. Adorned with designs of flowers, leaves, and elven runes, along with the sword's lineage and name, the scabbard for Narsil was made by Galadhrim, and it had the special ability, a crusade of enchantment, to allow any blade drawn from information technology to be impervious to damage, whether in victory or defeat. Aragorn used it to establish and legitimize his claim to the throne of Gondor as the Heir of Isildur when he, along with Gimli and Legolas met Éomer for the commencement time. He also reluctantly set the bract bated earlier coming together Théoden, informing Háma that if anyone other than him would meet death if they drew the Andúril from its scabbard.
Portrayal In The Movies
The bract beginning appears every bit Narsil in the Fellowship of the Band. It is wielded by Elendil during the Battle of Dargorlad where he raised the sword high to rally his troops. During the Boxing against Sauron, both Elendil and Gil-galad are slain. His son Isildur picks up the sword wanting to battle Sauron. However, Sauron brushes away Isildur'due south attacks and stomps on Narsil, shattering information technology. Sauron then goes to finish off Isildur only he manages to use the hilt shard of Narsil and cuts off the One Ring from Sauron's mitt. It is only after Aragorn and the Hobbits reach Rivendell that Narsil appears once more, plant to be under the intendance of Elrond. In Rivendell, Boromir is in awe of the fabled sword and runs his finger forth with the hilt shard of the blade and he ends up cutting himself. He is surprised that even after 3000 years, the bract is still sharp. When he notices Aragorn looking his mode he drops the hilt shard. We find Narsil appearing again when Aragorn and Rohirrim are stationed at Dunharrow in The Render of The King. Heeding Arwen'south pleas, Elrond reluctantly has the smithies of Rivendell reforge Narsil into a new sword, Andúril.
At Dunharrow that Andúril is presented to Aragorn by Elrond. After this, Elrond informs Aragorn that his daughter, Arwen is dying. He likewise informed Aragorn about the armada of Corsairs that were approaching Gondor. His grim news was however tempered by his advice. He said to Aragorn that if he took the Paths of the Dead with the power of the Andúril, he would be able to call forth and control an ground forces that far outmatches any living army, giving him a run a risk to bargain with the Corsairs and also salvage Arwen. Aragorn uses Andúril to establish his credentials as the Heir of Isildur manages to convince the leader of the residents of the Paths of the Dead to fulfill their adjuration to support Gondor in its time of need, unlike Legolas's arrow or Gimli's ax. Andúril now becomes Aragorn's primary weapon. In that location is a deleted scene that shows Aragorn confronting Sauron just before the Battle before Morannon. He goads Sauron past showing him Andúril which was reforged from the "sword of Elendil", the same one that defeated him during the Second Age.
Physical Attributes
The Reforging of Sword, Anduril.
In the books, it is depicted as an arming sword, a blade wielded by one hand to be used in tandem with a shield. This is axiomatic when Andúril is likened to Boromir's sword and Boromir who is a sword and shield fighter would definitely not wield a longsword. Also, Aragorn while arming upward for the Battle of the Hornburg picks up a shield from Théoden's armory lending further credence to the notion that Andúril is an arming sword. The inscription upon the blade said "Nanye Andúril i ne Narsil i macil Elendilo. Lercuvanten i mali Mordoreo", this translates to "I am Andúril who was Narsil, the sword of Elendil. Allow the thralls of Mordor flee me". Still, in the movies, Andúril is shown equally being a longsword, a two-handed weapon, and even though a longsword would not fit into the general setting of the Lord of the Rings, it is not outside the realm of possibility that Andúril was a longsword. The elves were primary craftsmen and could very well make a longsword for Aragorn to wield. Andúril was engraved with elven runes maxim "Anar. Nányë Andúril I né Narsil I macil Elendilo. Lercuvantan i móli Mordórëo. Isil.", in Quenya. This translates to "Dominicus. I am Andúril who was once Narsil, sword of Elendil. The slaves of Mordor shall flee from me. Moon". The blade besides had engraved on information technology the designs of the Vii Stars between the Sun and the Moon. With this, Elendil, Anárion, and Isildur's symbols, as well, were engraved on it.
The Quenya words 'Andúne', meaning 'West' or 'Sunset' and 'Ril', meaning 'Brilliance' is where the name for Andúril comes from. The blade is remarked equally beingness brilliant thereby living upward to its name.
The original blade from which Andúril was reforged, Narsil, was forged by Telchar of Nogrod [iii] Telchar was considered to exist one of the greatest craftsmen of his fourth dimension.
American comedian and television receiver host Stephen Colbert owns one of the original props of Andúril [4].
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