How Do You Know When a Bird Is Dying?


One of the near heartbreaking scenarios is when a customer calls to inform u.s. their love companion bird suddenly and unexpectedly passed away. Normally this phone phone call comes with some of the most difficult questions: Why? How could this have happened? Did I miss the signs of illness? Is at that place a problem in my abode? Of form, there is no way for us to answer these questions over the phone, but nosotros can offer suggestions and options to figure out what may accept happened. The goal of this commodity is to talk over some common signs of illness, possible toxins/dangers in the home, and almost importantly what owners tin can and should do in the upshot they have a sudden death occur at abode.

Signs of illness

Most people recognize the most obvious signs of illness in pet birds such as airsickness/regurgitating, loss of appetite, or the typical "fluffed up" appearance and sitting at the lesser of the cage birds testify when they are very ill. But some signs of illness tin be difficult to recognize such as subtle behavior changes, change of habits, vocalization changes, or variations in colour or consistency of droppings. This is why information technology is so important to know what is normal for your bird: what time does he/she normally go to slumber? What is its favorite perch? How oft does it speak/vocalize? How many droppings are normal for information technology to make in a mean solar day? What foot does he/she normally eat with? Never presume that a subtle change in your bird is normal equally it could absolutely exist a sign that something is wrong. Hither is a brief listing of some obvious and not and then obvious signs of illness in birds:

  • Subtract or increment in ambition
  • Increase in urination
  • Increased drinking
  • Feather or pare changes
  • Belch from the eyes or nostrils
  • Vomiting/regurgitating
  • Sneezing or wheezing
  • Limping
  • Fluffed feathers
  • Tail bobbing while animate
  • Sudden behavior changes including biting or screaming
  • Subtract in activity level
  • Voice change
  • Change in flight ability
  • Spending more than time on the lesser of the cage
  • Weakness or inability to perch
  • Overgrown or discolored beak
  • Change in debris: color or consistency
  • Straining to poop
  • Fly or wings drooping
  • Diarrhea
  • Weight loss or weight gain
  • Blood on the bird or in the cage/on perches

Whatever of these changes, or any other changes recognized in pet birds, should be brought to the attention of an avian veterinarian to make up one's mind whether or not it is a sign of something more serious.

Possible toxins/dangers in the dwelling

Pet bird anatomy creates some specific challenges when keeping them safe in our homes. Their wings give them the ability to fly, enabling them to get to places we may not be able to see and places we may non have prepared to be "bird rubber". Their beaks are designed to be able to rip, chew, and crush natural substances which enable them to get at and chew on things effectually the home which are often unsafe. And their respiratory system is made upward of chambers called air sacs as well as lungs that push air throughout the unabridged bird's body. This efficient bellows-similar system is what enables them to wing long distances, merely consequently makes them more sensitive to airborne toxins than other pets or humans. The following is a listing of some common and non and then mutual dangers and toxins to be aware of in your home that can cause an unexpected death in a bird. Information technology's important to realize that in that location are certainly other dangers at domicile, but this listing is well-nigh things that may not exist and so obvious (like a whirling ceiling fan) and can cause a bird to die without much warning.

  • Teflon and other non-stick cookware coated with PTFE (spotter out for cocky-cleaning ovens that are coated with PTFE or Teflon bake ware being stored in the broiler part of the oven) that is overheated.
  • Plug-in air fresheners
  • Incense
  • Gas leaks
  • Scented candles (unless you are using soy wax)
  • About aerosol cleaning products and household cleaners
  • Oil-based paint
  • Polyurethane (new or recently treated hard woods floors and piece of furniture)
  • Chewing on lead paint (remember that regardless of new non-leaded paint, quondam homes frequently have lead paint layered beneath the new layers).
  • Chewing on solder used in stained glass and many mirrors
  • Chewing on electrical cords (birds savor chewing these)
  • Ingestion of avocados
  • Chewing on toxic plants (such as lilies)

What to do if a bird dies unexpectedly at home

There is no style to make this process easier, but perhaps being prepared and having a plan can at least minimize the pain associated with losing a beloved companion unexpectedly.
The first affair to practise is decide if at that place is something happening in the home that could endanger your other pets or you, such as a gas leak, and address this by calling the proper emergency services and/or ventilating the home. Ofttimes when non-stick cookware gets overheated releasing the toxic fumes, small birds such as canaries or parakeets will die first and if y'all take other larger birds you may exist able to go them out of the house or ventilate the firm before they succumb. If there is no sort of obvious toxic gas or smoke (see list above) you should call your local avian veterinarian. Unfortunately, nosotros do not have the ability to tell you why your pet died over the phone. And if you lot have other birds at home, or if you plan on obtaining new birds, it is very important to decide if in that location is either a danger in your home that you are unaware of, or if your bird was harboring a disease that could take been transmitted or could exist transmitted to a new bird.

Diagnostic necropsy

The all-time way for your avian veterinarian to give you information and answers is if you bring the deceased trunk for a necropsy (like an autopsy for a human). The body should be stored in the refrigerator (information technology is fine to wrap it in a small-scale towel or bag) and brought to your veterinarian as soon as possible. Tissues that have been frozen or that are sometime (over 48 hours) become autolyzed (degraded) and rendered useless on a diagnostic level, so if you wish to accept a necropsy to determine crusade of death please exist prepared. Information technology is also important to understand that a gross necropsy, the get-go part of the examination where the medico performs a physical examination of the trunk, inside and out, is often non diagnostic. A dr. may not exist able to tell you if your bird died from a toxin or other kind of illness that manifests on a microscopic level. A gross necropsy will only determine if the cause of decease was from something on a larger scale or visible with the naked heart such equally egg binding, tumors/masses, severe center disease and atherosclerosis, or a respiratory blockage (such as a seed stuck in the trachea). In order to accept a full diagnosis the tissues would need to be collected and sent to a pathologist for histologic evaluation. Ofttimes these services carry a large price tag and an unabridged written report of every organ can be over $400. Unfortunately, there is still the possibility that even with sending the entire torso to a pathologist, nosotros may not exist able to pinpoint an exact crusade of expiry. You should be prepared that despite our all-time efforts, animals are organic living things and sometimes medicine does not hold all the answers.

Lastly, there is the question of body care. If you practice not wish to pursue a necropsy to determine the crusade of death, owners are frequently lost as to what to exercise with the body. Most people where we are located in New York City do not have back yards to coffin their pets. While there are many public parks where people coffin small-scale animals, it is illegal and yous may exist taking a risk by doing this. Other options include:

  • keeping the torso wrapped and frozen until a time when you are able to take it to a place for burial (many people await until visiting family or friends with yards)
  • purchasing a large houseplant and burial the body in the soil as a memorial in the home if the trunk is modest such as a parakeet or cockatiel
  • bringing the body to a veterinarian hospital where almost have options for either communal cremation (pets are cremated together and remains are buried/scattered at the crematorium location) or private cremation (remains are cremated individually and returned to you in an urn).
  • pet cemetery services- There are some pet burying services where plots tin can exist purchased for pets. Data for these services is generally found either online or through your veterinary hospital.

At this bespeak, clients sometimes enquire us what they should do with the cage, accessories, and foods they have. Having these reminders around the home can exist very painful. We by and large encourage clients to go on these items in example they decide to adopt, rescue, or buy another bird. If the cause of expiry is determined to not be infectious, they can proceed everything for a new companion. If the cause of death is constitute to be something some other bird could go infected with, instructions on what should be discarded and what can be disinfected and reused should be given by the veterinarian staff. If clients determine they practise non want to pursue post-mortem cause of death, our recommendations would exist to discard all cage furnishings and food, disinfect the cage if it volition be reused, and wait iii months before adding a new bird. And if clients decide they practise not want to keep anything, we encourage them to donate food or items that can be disinfected to needy shelters, wild animals rehabilitators, or rescue organizations.


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